Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tri-Color Steamed Eggs 三色蛋

The mosaic-effect in this steamed dish comes from using three types of eggs - chicken eggs, salted eggs and century eggs.

4 chicken eggs, beaten
Twice the amount of water as eggs.
1 hard boiled salted duck egg, chopped
1 century egg, chopped
dash of white pepper
few drops of sesame oil
One "yaw zha guai" or "yu tiao"- fried Chinese cruller sliced into rings (optional)
Small pinch of salt (may even omit according to taste)
Beat chicken eggs, beat in water and seasonings, stir in chopped eggs.
Pour into glass bowl, cover with plastic wrap and steam medium-high heat for about 5-7 min till cooked.

If using Yu Tiao:
Place sliced yu-tiao on top.
Cover with plastic wrap and steam medium-high heat for about 5 min, till 90% cooked.
Put in oven and broil on low heat till top is lightly browned.

When sliced, eggs will have pretty mosaic pattern due to the black century eggs.